Monday, April 18, 2016

30 Things I Learned from my Daddy

1. If your meal is really good, people will be able to see it on your face. And your shirt. And maybe your pants.
2. You are never too old for cartoons. Seriously. Never.
3. Random singing brings joy. Maybe not always to those around you. But it brings joy, nonetheless.
4. Making those you love happy is the only way to make yourself happy.
5. Sometimes the people you love make really stupid decisions and you just have to keep your mouth shut, because if you don’t, they’ll just get mad at you and still do it anyway. 
6. It’s okay to cry. 
7. Reba is the funniest show on television.
8. The best way to eat toast and jelly is to mix the jelly with butter first. It spreads more easily.
9. Your heart may not always be correct, but it’s the best decision-making tool you’ve got. Use it.
10. Big bellies make the best pillows.
11. You haven’t come to a complete stop until you feel your tires roll back. 
12. I’m a bad driver. (see #11)
13. Every gray cloud is a warning to stay inside and off the roads. (I didn’t say he was always right.)
14. “Smothercate” is a word.
15. Occasionally, the idea of a place is enough. Actually going there is often not as much fun as the trips you take in your imagination.
16. Be honest. Lying to protect someone doesn’t protect them. It makes them doubt you. 
17. Keep your eye on the ball. Literally. He taught me to catch a ball with a glove and to hit with a bat. That man had some patience. 
18. A real man worries about his daughter’s car. He checks the oil. He checks the tires. He reminds her to be safe and not to drive too fast.
19. Christmas isn’t complete without pecans and oranges.
20. Love everybody.
21. Forgive everybody.
22. Be happy and laugh a lot.
23. Don’t take everything so seriously. Life will go on one way or another. 
24. Don’t worry. It doesn’t help a darn thing.
25. You can never have too many socks.
26. Not all storytelling is about making sense or making a point. Sometimes you just want to make someone smile. 
27. A good husband will show genuine concern for his wife’s safety, happiness, and well-being. Always.
28. If someone or something makes you mad or stresses you out, take a nap.
29. Some of the best conversations have no words.
30. I am one blessed girl.

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